PZ is short for Probe-Z it was a command introduced in the 1.6.0 release of FabMo. The syntax is P(axis), distance to probe, speed to move at, input to look for
Unfortunately at the same time that this new command was introduced--the older command "ON INPUT" was eliminated. On input was a very useful logical command in SB3 which allowed you to execute any bit of code after a certain input achieved a certain status.
"ON INPUT (1,1) GOTO Finish
MZ, -5
means, run the following code until input #1 is closed (in other words: is set to "1"), then GOTO the "Finish" subroutine. You can also use ON INPUT (1,0) meaning that you'll be checking for when input #1 opens. A lot of creative stuff can be done this way.
The probing routines do not yet allow checking for a switch opening (unless you change the status of the switch to "active high" in config)--and it only appears to work in the X Y and Z axes.
After a lot of discussion with our software group, we've decided to reintroduce the ON INPUT command in the upcoming 1.7.0 release. The main argument from me was that the original quick-bit app relied on this ON INPUT command to function--and when it unexpectedly stops working, it can be pretty shocking--and there is no harm in having both routines available.
If you're curious to try the On Input command, you can go back to the 1.4.2 release--but of course, this release does not have the Probe commands active...so none of the new macros will work...