Sorry for not responding sooner, but don't I don't frequent this forum as often as I used to.
To answer your question, it depends. Where the Handibot shines, is in the take the machine to the workpiece world, which is where the Shaper and Yeti SmartBench are also focused, both of which are actively being developed and have larger work areas. They are also likely more expensive if you can find a Handibot used.
I have table 4'x3' CNC machine as well and it sees a lot more use than my Handibot. I have a Handibot 2.0 and if I had a bridge version it would likely see more work.
I have attached an example of a job I did. I may have been able to pay for the Handibot just by doing flush trailers tie-downs, but I am not sure it would cover my hours as well, it takes about 15-minutes to setup and route each. I have also done several tree stump carves (yet to see the Yeti or Shaper do that) those carves easily pay for them selves, but I try to avoid bit changes, so they take longer.
This forum used to be fairly active, but like me most of the members are busy on several fronts.
Hope this helps,