I was lucky enough to get an ethernet adapter through HandiBot, because I could not find one and the machine AP-mode/WiFi was not working.
Watching the video I was curious of a few things:
- Where did he find the pin configuration for the 37-pin connector?
- I pretty sure FabMo supports G-code, which was the justification for the controller change. (To be clear I have never tried generic G-code)
That said, with the 37-pin configuration it should be pretty straightforward to replace the FabMo, but be forwarded the FabMo supports 6-axises, 5-axises are used in the HandiBot, I am currently using all of them. 5 or 6-axises GRBL controllers are not common but do exist.
What would be more interesting would be if ShopBot would document the Raspberry Pi upgrade they use in their DeskTop CNC.
Good luck,