Setting Jogging & File Limits
March 31, 2014 10:49PM
Hey all! I thought I'd share this tip with you via video... A lot of times when I am using my Handibot for various things, I find my self jogging around. I jog the machine either to put the tool at the start of a job, or to move back to 0. Sometimes it's just to do a quick travel over my workpiece to make sure my file will fit where I'm cutting.

What I've found is that when you're close to the physical limits of where the machine can go, if you hit the end, you instantly lose your position in the ShopBot software and you have to zero the machine and start over. At best this can be annoying, and at worst you can lose the position of your job.

If this has happened to you, I have the solution. Using the latest multi-camera capture I have recorded a video to explain exactly how setup your ShopBot software to protect you from this:

Check it out and let me know what you all think!

Re: Setting Jogging & File Limits
April 01, 2014 01:28AM
great video but it rises a question. Often it is necessary to go .125 past zero to finish a cut cleanly, will this screw that up or does this only affect the move/jog?
Re: Setting Jogging & File Limits
April 01, 2014 07:16AM
Great question Mark. If you load a file in that goes a little past, which the machine actually can do, a warning comes up that asks you if you want to temporarily disable file limit checking. Then you can cut that job, and after you're done, limit checking is back on.
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