Extra Bit holder?
August 03, 2014 09:23PM
Hey everyone:
As I am getting more advanced with this I am changing the bit more often. I keep the collet wrench on the side with a couple of magnets but want some more protection for any extra bits that I'd mount on the side.

So, has anyone worked this out? Have files to share? I can and will work it out myself if I must but don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone has this worked out.

Re: Extra Bit holder?
September 04, 2014 10:01PM
Hmmm..... good idea.... first thought is a small block of wood with some magnets.... and use a drill press (or handibot) to create slots (not drilled all the way through) for a few bits to sit in.....
Re: Extra Bit holder?
September 07, 2014 02:08AM
Funny, that is what I ended up doing. I had done larger ones for holding the whole of the bits I own, I just reworked it a bit for four bits only. I can't figure out how to attach it to the HDPE so it is stand alone for now.

tj4shee Wrote:
> Hmmm..... good idea.... first thought is a small
> block of wood with some magnets.... and use a
> drill press (or handibot) to create slots (not
> drilled all the way through) for a few bits to sit
> in.....
Re: Extra Bit holder?
November 21, 2014 02:49PM
Hello All,

As we've been working on the next physical version of Handibot we've been planning on a holder for the collet wrench and have some pretty good ideas ... but some sort of holder for cutters would be great too. Let us know if you come up with something you really like and want to share in a few pix.

Thanks, =Ted

Ted Hall, ShopBot Tools
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