• Handibot Tools featured in the U.S. Makerspace Challenge

    by  • April 7, 2016 • News

    The Handibot team at ShopBot Tools is proud to be helping with the CTE (Career & Technical Education) Makeover Challenge, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Schools from all across the U.S. recently entered their designs for a school-based makerspace, and the winning schools will win resources to make those makerspaces for real!


    Here are some details from the CTE Makeover Challenge site:
    “A makerspace is an environment or facility that provides resources, materials, and equipment for students to conceive, create, and collaborate through making….Through making, educators enable students to immerse themselves in problem-solving and the continuous refinement of their projects while learning essential 21st-century career skills, such as critical thinking, planning, and communication.”

    “All eligible schools will gain access to the CTE Makeover Bootcamp, a 6-week program that provides resources and expertise in makerspace design and planning. $200,000 in cash and other prizes will be distributed to a maximum of 10 honorees to turn their vision for a makerspace into a reality. Honorees will produce and submit a video tour of their constructed makerspaces and compile an online portfolio of materials for use in the CTE Makerspace Showcase, which will take place at the World Maker Faire in New York City in October 2016.”
    What we’re doing to help.
    ShopBot Tools is getting involved in a big way. We’re helping the winning schools by donating Handibot® Smart Power Tools to some of the makerspaces. We’re donating our time by offering training classes, webinars and blogs to help teachers and students set up and get the most from their digital fabrication tools; and we’re even providing credit toward purchase of a ShopBot CNC tool.

    Sallye Coyle, ShopBot’s Director of Community Outreach, explained the company’s decision to support the CTE Makeover Challenge.

    “We think it’s great that the CTE Makeover Challenge has been designed with workforce preparedness in mind,” said Sallye. “The skills that students acquire working in makerspaces translate directly into the real world of technology-based product development and manufacturing. It’s become clear that there are job opportunities in US-based firms, but properly trained people are in short supply. These makerspaces are helping prepare high school and college graduates to find work in 2016.”

    ShopBot Tools and Handibot Smart Power Tools are used in countless schools, makerspaces, FabLabs, and other community-based learning environments in the U.S. and around the world. We’re thrilled that this Makeover Challenge is underway. It’s yet another initiative that will help the next generation be prepared for the future of work that involves understanding and using emerging technology.

    Michael Berliner


    Michael Berliner is a freelance copywriter and strategist for ShopBot Tools and its web properties shopbottools.com, handibot.com, 100kGarages.com, and 100kSchools.org. He's endlessly curious about new technologies and helping humans get the most out of them. www.linkedin.com/in/michaelpberliner/ mberliner.shopbot@gmail.com
