• Michael Berliner

    About Michael Berliner

    Michael Berliner is a freelance copywriter and strategist for ShopBot Tools and its web properties shopbottools.com, handibot.com, 100kGarages.com, and 100kSchools.org. He's endlessly curious about new technologies and helping humans get the most out of them. www.linkedin.com/in/michaelpberliner/ mberliner.shopbot@gmail.com


    Handibot Tools featured in the U.S. Makerspace Challenge

    by  • April 7, 2016 • News

    The Handibot team at ShopBot Tools is proud to be helping with the CTE (Career & Technical Education) Makeover Challenge, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Schools from all across the U.S. recently entered their designs for a school-based makerspace, and the winning schools will win resources to make those makerspaces for...

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    Non-profit Triangle Land Conservancy benefits from a Handibot

    by  • July 26, 2015 • News, Uncategorized

      Non-profit organizations, particularly local, smaller institutions, have to work hard to make every dollar go as far it can. This is certainly the case at Triangle Land Conservancy, which works here in Chapel Hill, Durham and surrounding areas to safeguard clean water, protect natural habitats, connect people with nature, and support local, sustainable...

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    An Update for our Kickstarter Supporters!

    by  • January 24, 2014 • News

    Hello! The other day we posted an update for our backers on the Kickstarter page — but it’s possible that a technical glitch, gremlin or misplaced gezundheit prevented our supporters from receiving an email about it. So..  here’s a link to the update. Check it out! Lots to report. We’re working away to open...

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    Thanks Core77, for the nice shout out!

    by  • December 31, 2013 • News, Press

    Do you know about Core77? You should. Since the mid-90’s, Core77.com has served a devoted global audience of industrial designers ranging from students through seasoned professionals — with tons of useful articles, discussion forums, an extensive event calendar, portfolio hosting, job listings, a database of design firms, schools, vendors and services. Core77 provides a...

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    Boston ABX was Buzzing about Handibot

    by  • November 22, 2013 • News

    ShopBot Tools was excited to participate at ArchitectureBoston Expo (ABX) Nov. 19 -21 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. ABX is one of the largest events for the design and construction industry in the country, and the largest regional conference and tradeshow in New England — a perfect venue for us to introduce...

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    Latest updates!

    by  • September 30, 2013 • News

      Hello Handibot fans, We’ve been working hard to implement design improvements that were conceived during testing of preproduction tools both by outside beta testers and by us in-house. We are quite happy with the results and think you will be too! We’ll share with you below some of the many updates and improvements...

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