• Posts Tagged ‘smart tool’

    Thanks Core77, for the nice shout out!

    by  • December 31, 2013 • News, Press

    Do you know about Core77? You should. Since the mid-90’s, Core77.com has served a devoted global audience of industrial designers ranging from students through seasoned professionals — with tons of useful articles, discussion forums, an extensive event calendar, portfolio hosting, job listings, a database of design firms, schools, vendors and services. Core77 provides a...

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    Latest updates!

    by  • September 30, 2013 • News

      Hello Handibot fans, We’ve been working hard to implement design improvements that were conceived during testing of preproduction tools both by outside beta testers and by us in-house. We are quite happy with the results and think you will be too! We’ll share with you below some of the many updates and improvements...

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