• About Anthony Wong

    Router Table – Handibot Style

    by  • February 11, 2016 • Projects

    For a while now, I have been thinking about flipping a Handibot over and have the bit pointing up like a router table. Mostly we think about using the Handibot like a smart hand drill, where we move the tool around a stationary work piece. With this upside down Handibot, I was thinking of it...

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    Dust Collection

    by  • February 4, 2016 • How To

    I’ve spent a bit of time, in other blog posts, talking about various parts of the production setup we use to cut Handibot parts. One big piece of using CNC routers in production environments that I haven’t touched on is dust collection. CNC routers are dust making machines – if it’s not making dust and...

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    Hold Downs for Production

    by  • January 4, 2016 • How To

    I had a conversation with someone not too long ago about hold downs for production volume parts, and I thought it might be good to share a little bit about our experiences here at Handibot. For production hold downs, I’m looking for three things—something that is fast, reliable, and repeatable. These requirements immediately remove...

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    Flip Operation on a Handibot

    by  • December 18, 2015 • Projects

    I was talking with my neighbor the other day, and he was in the process of making some wine glass holders. He told me that he had found that the holder needed to be about 10″ wide so that large glasses wouldn’t hit the bottle when put in place. I immediately started to think about...

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    Utilizing Scrap Material

    by  • December 9, 2015 • Projects

    The other day I was looking for some scrap material to use for some stocking stuffers I wanted to make. While I was poking around, I noticed we had some junky old pallets piling up at our loading dock that I’ve been meaning to get rid of. The Handibot’s portability made it the perfect tool...

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    Toolpathing Tips for Production Parts

    by  • December 2, 2015 • How To

    Here at Handibot, we use ShopBot Desktop and Desktop MAX tools to cut many of our parts. We use VCarve Pro to generate all of our toolpaths. Here’s a tip or two for those using VCarve Pro for production work. First, let me explain our workflow. Normally, a part is designed in CAD and...

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    Thanksgiving at Handibot

    by  • November 25, 2015 • Uncategorized

    It’s Thanksgiving season, and I thought it would be an appropriate time to reflect on the last couple months here at Handibot. As with most work places, there’s a lot of things that go on behind the scenes out of public view that never get acknowledged. This year, Handibot moved into a new facility....

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    Getting Started With a New Material

    by  • November 18, 2015 • How To

    I feel like the issue of getting started with a new material comes up a lot, so I thought it might be useful to share some of my experiences. Recently, I was handed the files for the Styrofoam packaging that we use for some of the Handibot accessories and asked to get them to cut...

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