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    Digifabcon 2017

    by  • March 31, 2017 • Uncategorized

    –Design for the Tools You Have: A Model for Sustainable Micro-Factories– My name is Brian Owen and I work on a product called Handibot. It’s a small, portable CNC router—or 3D carver—I always struggle with the fact that there isn’t a name for CNC that sounds as cool or self-explanatory as 3D printing…but we...

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    Earrings for a Special Cyclist

    by  • April 8, 2016 • Uncategorized

    (photo courtesy of Eunice Chang @justshinyorg) Spring arrives in Durham with the sudden flourish of blooming daffodils, blueberry bushes and fruit trees followed by waves of airborne pine pollen that all but blot out the sun at their peak. The green grass returns and the willow oak trees fill with buds which open into...

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    Thanksgiving at Handibot

    by  • November 25, 2015 • Uncategorized

    It’s Thanksgiving season, and I thought it would be an appropriate time to reflect on the last couple months here at Handibot. As with most work places, there’s a lot of things that go on behind the scenes out of public view that never get acknowledged. This year, Handibot moved into a new facility....

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    Non-profit Triangle Land Conservancy benefits from a Handibot

    by  • July 26, 2015 • News, Uncategorized

      Non-profit organizations, particularly local, smaller institutions, have to work hard to make every dollar go as far it can. This is certainly the case at Triangle Land Conservancy, which works here in Chapel Hill, Durham and surrounding areas to safeguard clean water, protect natural habitats, connect people with nature, and support local, sustainable...

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    Handibot hitches a ride to Penland School of Crafts

    by  • August 18, 2014 • Uncategorized

    David and Sallye headed to Penland School of Crafts to do a bit of training for the Studio Techs on Penland’s new ShopBot Desktop.  A Handibot hitched a ride so that Studio Techs would have another machine to practice their new skills. A conversation at lunch lead to an invitation to one of the students attending...

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