• Brian Owen

    About Brian Owen

    Mechanical Engineer at ShopBot Tools

    Joinery (part 1)

    by  • December 4, 2017 • How To

    Joinery is the targeted application of stress and the employment of friction to turn two components into one object. The stress part seems obvious to most people–they feel the energy they put into twisting a screwdriver turning into pressure on the board they’re bolting down to the floor. The friction component is just slightly...

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    Digifabcon 2017

    by  • March 31, 2017 • Uncategorized

    –Design for the Tools You Have: A Model for Sustainable Micro-Factories– My name is Brian Owen and I work on a product called Handibot. It’s a small, portable CNC router—or 3D carver—I always struggle with the fact that there isn’t a name for CNC that sounds as cool or self-explanatory as 3D printing…but we...

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    Earrings for a Special Cyclist

    by  • April 8, 2016 • Uncategorized

    (photo courtesy of Eunice Chang @justshinyorg) Spring arrives in Durham with the sudden flourish of blooming daffodils, blueberry bushes and fruit trees followed by waves of airborne pine pollen that all but blot out the sun at their peak. The green grass returns and the willow oak trees fill with buds which open into...

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    by  • February 29, 2016 • Handibot Labs

    On the eve of the release of a brand new version of the Handibot, I’d like to take some time to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Handibot’s Adventure Edition (as we’ve decided to call the version 2.0) has been a massive undertaking in tool design, production methodology, and software design....

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    Get into 3D carving with the Handibot Rotary Axis

    by  • June 8, 2015 • News

    The rotary axis allows you to machine your material in the round to create detailed carvings from your 3D models. It functions similar to a lathe in that it rotates a part that is being carved to allow the tool to machine all sides of the material. However, rather than spinning the material at a...

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    Development Team Report / May 2015

    by  • May 28, 2015 • News

    Bay Area Maker Faire 2015 – The 15th annual Bay Area Maker Faire was held in San Mateo earlier this month and a good portion of the Handibot team traded the sweltering humidity of early summer Durham for the relative freezing cold of the Bay Area for a few days in order to show off...

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    Development Team Report / March 2015

    by  • March 21, 2015 • News

    Version 1.1 Update Much of our efforts this month have gone into the change-over from version 1.0 of the developer’s edition handibot to version 1.1. This update included a number of design improvements focused on the user experience with the tool; the new front panel design provides easier access to the router for tool...

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    Project: Handibot Laser Sight

    by  • August 5, 2014 • Handibot Labs

      Shopbot 3 software allows the user to quickly cut holes, rectangles and arcs with a few key presses, without the need for toolpathing in a program like Vcarve. Rather than carrying around a whole set of drill bit sizes, your Handibot can be used to cut out any size hole as well as...

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